Friday, June 21, 2013

My Last Day as a Nanny

Today is monumental, today is the end and a new beginning. While I would love to emphasize on all that entails, I don't have time. So for now I will just share this little gem I caught of Luke yesterday while shooting him during playtime.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

No More Nanny! Time to Get to Business!

This coming Friday will be my very last day as a full time nanny. I cannot begin to describe the excitement that I feel. I am finally at a place in life where I can do what I need to in order to hone in my skills. I still want to pay for a membership to the Houston Center for Photography, and finish their certificate programs, however at the moment I just haven't. For now I have been putting in applications to every single portrait studio that I can find. I am hoping to be hired by someone who will provide me with training in the areas in which I find myself lacking. Looking forward to new opportunities and experiences!!!!