Sunday, April 29, 2012

"In my world, the books would be nothing but pictures"

This is my first post on this new blog so I figure I'll talk about what it is that I want it to be. I had a long and insightful conversation with my uncle earlier this week and it sent my head spinning in a million directions. For you see, I am at that crazy point between achieving your Associates degree and beginning your Bachelors degree where every student suddenly questions their career choices, and that is precisely what I am doing. I considered going to art school to receive my Bachelors in Photography but after this enlightening conversation I decided that I am going to do as the title of my blog says and "Take the Leap". I am going to jump into my photography headfirst and am going to do everything I can to learn whatever the world has to offer me about my craft. One of the most important things that I took from this conversation was this, "whatever you do never stop taking pictures. Take pictures of everything. If they come out good, great, if they don't, even better because you'll learn from them. And start a portfolio, I've never landed a job because I have a degree in something". Those words have stuck with me the past few days and because I don't know anything about web design, which is one of the things I am looking to learn, I am starting this blog as a way to promote my photography.

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