Thursday, January 16, 2014

Always Trying New Things!

So even though I have decided that I want my business to be limited to Maternity, Birth, and Newborn (with a possibility for infant milestones) I know that I am still getting the hang of things and the best way to hone your skills is to practice all the time. Does that mean I should only shoot what I am looking to sell? No way! How can I predict my camera's behavior in different situations if I haven't actually used it in different situations?

A coworker of mine is also a runner and he has a very early morning marathon this Sunday. He asked if I could come and try to get some shots of him during the marathon. Of course I told him I would absolutely love to! Of course after agreeing I started to think, oh goodness I have very little experience with sport photography. I don't know how to shoot in the dark! What if he just runs right past me and all I can catch is a blur?

Well the first thing I did to settle my fears was to ask a very good friend who I know has great strength shooting dim scenes to accompany me with his own gear. That way if I happen to just fail miserably, I know my friend will catch some great shots. He also is a great teacher and has been a huge help to me on past shoots. Now what I need to do is A LOT of reading about the art of catching dimly lit sports scenes. The next step will be to try and fit in some practice time before Sunday.

I am crossing my little fingers that I can apply the new things I have learned and come out with more images than I am expecting. I feel like I always go into shoots rushed and stressed and feeling completely unprepared. I know that most of that is me and I have to figure out a way to raise my confidence so that I can stop worrying and focus on the task!

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