Thursday, January 9, 2014

Workshop Reflection....

I had my first workshop at the Houston Center for Photography on Monday night. It was such an enjoyable experience. There were only six people in attendance which left the instructor plenty of time to answer specific questions and target individual's frustrations. The workshop was called Out of the Box: Using Your Digital Camera and was almost like a zero level class. It isn't required for my program but I'm a firm believer in review and building a solid foundation of knowledge. I really loved the workshop because I was given tips and information that I had never heard before, even in my Photo I class at the community college. The instructor taught us how to read the information of the front of our lenses, which no one else has ever shown me. (I had no idea that my camera body will allow me to choose an aperture that my lens may not have the capabilities for... *So THAT'S why that sucker freezes on me!*) She also gave us some great tips about ISO settings, how motion can effect zoom, and went through the meanings of the modes on our camera dials. I realize that this is all really basic information, but I have never been given any of this and I already feel so much more prepared to go out and shoot. I can not be any more excited for this program! I know that it's not necessary to have a formal education to be a successful photographer, but I am just the type of person who learns best in a classroom and gains confidence in their skills in doing so.

Oh also, check out my friend from a recent Realty shoot that I had....

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